[Rainman Artwork]The Butcher "Bill 2nd"

Collector Freaks Forum

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people to the list in RED - PM sent - please reply asap… PEOPLE IN GREEN - PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP IF YOU NEED TO BE ON THE LIST.
Want to send this list soon!!!!


1. marlindesign
2. popcultkid PM SENT replied
3. Commetch PM SENT replied
4. Commtech PM SENT replied
5. Ebeneezer Jones PM SENT replied
6. Corrose PM SENT replied
7. Lakhota PM SENT replied
8. JeffTVR PM SENT replied
9. Turbo vs Ozone PM SENT replied
10. Yodasan PM SENT replied
11. DarthMagnus PM SENT replied
12. Greatlakes6 PM SENT replied
13. Ren-Dog PM SENT replied
14. Croozer PM SENT replied
15. philmah PM SENT replied
16. Joebizz34 PM SENT replied
17. Leon 911 PM SENT replied
18. Hotslayer73 PM SENT replied
19. mystolle PM SENT replied
20. Erik S PM SENT replied
21. stiff_richards PM SENT replied
22. MightyQ PM SENT replied

23. Nitro80 PM SENT

Revolutioncasino [awaiting delivery]
Darthy [awaiting delivery]
abarbarian [awaiting delivery]
Joned [awaiting delivery]

you can add me to the list...
Come on up. Let's see if we can resolve our grievances the democratic way...

Pedro I think you should do a filter Black and white or sepia and make it like an old antique photo! DO it NAOW
Looks even better with Robbies hat .

Hey Stiff_Richards I have to go to the Mayo Clinic a lot in Rochester for my Chemo that's not too far from you? I go to the Ikea in Twin Citys when I go there! Maybe I will come take all your dolls ! I was in St. Mary's for about 3 weeks with an embolism, was not too fun :(