Rainman Project (Crazy Dog Stansfield)

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The packaging is stellar. Everything is in wonderful sealed bags or even tiny specially made boxes. I liked the red velvet lining he used more than the cut foam, but the foil printed black box he has used for all previous ones is very classy.
It's not regarding how to pay is it ?. :lol
I haven't got a clue. :rotfl

Yes it is!! :lol

Seeing as I am not paying until Friday, unsure if I have to checkout again or what.

I personally can't see it being anything other


I am guessing either the pillcase is now metal construct, or we are getting a 1:1 metal pillcase.

Can't believe there is still at least one more fullset up for grabs.
Oh and while we are at it, Jack, please can you ask Rainman to change the colours before these ship:


Awesome, awesome stuff.

Pills should be greener on the non yellow half though please and inside case should be purple.

Snake you don't need to check out again. Just pay to Rainmans paypal account including your order number and you'll be good. At least that is what Santa told me.
Snake you don't need to check out again. Just pay to Rainmans paypal account including your order number and you'll be good. At least that is what Santa told me.

Thanks a lot bud. :1-1:

I assumed that was what was needed, but was just waiting to hear back.

How's Kodi doing?
He's doing well. Thank you for asking. He seems to have his good days and bad, but overall, being 4 months removed from the accident I'm very happy with where he is.
Yes it is!! :lol

I am guessing either the pillcase is now metal construct, or we are getting a 1:1 metal pillcase.

1:1 metal pill case with real pills :hi5:

I bet you didnt know Rainmain worked at a pharmacy
in his spare time...did you? :rotfl