I think this was about as nice a representation of the screen character as Rainman did. I would actually rank him and Bill as possibly tied for the best. I think the popularity of the character (or lack thereof) is the only thing holding this figure back from being considered one of his best. Underrated. I know folks love Anton as a character, but as a good figure I don't think it touches this guy.
I agree Doc is right up there with Rainman's finest figures, but I disagree Anton can't touch Doc.
Doc photograph's beautifully, but in-hand Rainman was able to capture Anton's presence. I can't explain it, but only other figure I can compare a presence too is my Serang CPT Miller.
Its like Rainman included a soul with Anton.
I think this was about as nice a representation of the screen character as Rainman did. I would actually rank him and Bill as possibly tied for the best. I think the popularity of the character (or lack thereof) is the only thing holding this figure back from being considered one of his best. Underrated. I know folks love Anton as a character, but as a good figure I don't think it touches this guy.
I should admit that I had the iminime painted Doc (which I personally think beats Rainman's based on pics) and the Aeon painted Anton, so that may give me a different perspective than others who had both the Rainman paint jobs. He did get Anton's expression down perfectly, but the head size issue and relatively hum-drum outfit hold it back a bit in my opinion. Doc had no issues at all in-hand apart from a QC issue with the jacket, and Rainman also nailed the expression/personality. Anton had the fancier accessories, but Doc's guns and holster were nothing to sneeze at.
Well it's all subjective but having a big head is one thing. Having one that looks awkward due to its not being in scale with the body is another. In the film, Anton doesn't look as off as the figure does without a body swap. So, it's either the head, or the body Rainman chose, but in either case the full set is his vision of what the figure should look like, and in my opinion Doc is a better reflection of the character/actor without mods.
We'll have to agree to disagree on the Rainman/Iminime head
I do wonder if we'll see many more Docs at the price we've seen them at before. I haven't noticed many going on sale for awhile.