Oh well, we'll just have to wait until 3 months from now when he magically has a Factory Owner to sell in the FS threads for the low low price of $1500.
Please help me to understand if you know the answer. When ordering on Rainman's site, do you have to fill in your mailing address when trying to get one of these figures or after you add it to the cart, can you just click to order and have your address added when you pay? I took the time to put in my address and that cost me. Wonder if there was a quicker way?
If you already joined and had that information entered you did not have to add it again. There was a little box that you can check that said shipping address is same as billing and once checked it would automatically fill in your info. You would then click paypal as payment and then you can checkout. Its a learning process for sure.
Definitely a learning process. I failed to take the time to look for the box to check for the shipping address (already joined). I think that few extra seconds did me in.
OK~~ we have to chose purple color.. but
i have only this sample.
this is all~
you guys have to chose " light and shade"
I think he took dark fabric.
if we can't find same color .. at least .. we should find same level " light and shade" fabric. even blue~
The Joker coat color is very close, much closer that those above.
As much as I can understand it being hard to find the correct material in the correct color having this coat blue would just look strange to me.
When I think of Wonka I instantly imagine that purple coat.