I don't think there was enough interest in Marge (though I hope Rainman ignores the detractors there and does it anyway--if he thinks it's a good idea, then he should go for it!). If only she secretly cut the heads off of children and ate them, she would have been a near unanimous choice!
Nah. I dislike that movie, freaks me the **** out!Stiff made the best recommendation! Raegan from Exorcist! [emoji83]
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If recent history is an indication, he would probably just go with foam padding. I agree with the fact that there were lots of great performances in that film, including Peter Stormare. But Marge was very distinct among movie protagonists, while also being interesting, complex, and very likable. One of the best modern day detectives in film, and one of the best female performances (/performers) I've seen. From one of the best, most important movies of the 1990s. If a figure were to represent that film, it should be her. But I knew it was a long shot because it's not status quo enough. I'm thankful that he thought enough of the idea to get Magnus to pass the idea on here, though. Of course, Jesus could be another very awesome figure, though I think interest there would be about on par with what you saw for Marge.What would Rainman do? Make a pregnant female chest peice? What's the appeal about that character to you? She wasn't the only person that stole the show....Maci, Buschemi, Presnell....all of them killed it. The thing with these Coen films is that all the characters are great. Still waiting on that Dude companion piece, and I hope it's his arch enemy Jesus.
Really? You don't see Hottoys....a multi million dollar company....getting the licensing rights to make product from a mega film like ET.
That's not even considering the fact that Hottoys has the manufacturing capabilities to possibly do the bike and a special boy sized TrueType. E.T's eyes are perfect for some kind of pers system. I heard there's going to be a remake of this film so I'm sure that will help spark some newfound interest in the original. I think it has a very very good chance of being picked up by Hottoys at some point.
I'm not a sculptor but I don't think ET would pose any difficulty in capturing likeness that would make Rainmans skill stand out more than another. It's not a Human face, but the elephant man combines both a human face with a severe structured bone and skin condition. Rainman's skill would definately shine because he has the talent to bring out those kind of details and deformity. I also think he's very good at capturing the right scale.
Could you imagine a rainman Wizard of Oz set? ( bye bye bank account)![]()
I don't think there was enough interest in Marge (though I hope Rainman ignores the detractors there and does it anyway--if he thinks it's a good idea, then he should go for it!). If only she secretly cut the heads off of children and ate them, she would have been a near unanimous choice!
Stiff made the best recommendation! Raegan from Exorcist! [emoji83]
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Now that definitely would make such a figure distinctive, if he went all out that way. Particularly with the exposed legs. Would be cool to get a DX head of Hunter himself. . .or Bill Murray!There are tons of unique and special challenges with doing duke properly... mainly sculpting replacement parts like thigh and and chest pieces - to make a seamless unique custom body for the release itself.
Lee has told me he has pretty much decided on the Exorcist.
Although he is not 100% certain yet.
Would be a great choice, but....err...no bloody crucifix please. C'mon, some sicko's gonna want to pose her like that.