Freaked Out
Re: Rainman wants you!
Would love a Hendrix, Hook would look awesome the shelf as well
Would love a Hendrix, Hook would look awesome the shelf as well
So far Dark Helmet is the only one I would be in for.
Hook and Hendrix are not for me, but I can see the appeal and think they are good choices.
If rainman wants a challenge he need look no further than Edward. The hair, hands, outfit and pretty much everything about the figure presents a challenge.
Yes Hot Toys did it but that was seven years ago and looks really dated. And unlike a lot of the sugguestions that have been made in this thread this one would be a good seller.
There is only one clear answer...
Dark Helmet - Spaceballs:
Unique, interesting, different, difficult, iconic, comedy!
View attachment 183012
So far I think these are strongest contenders:
Dark Helmet (been done)
Raoul Duke
Edward Scissorhands (Hot Toys)
Jimi Hendrix
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