I was just kidding guys. Just bumping the thread. Far too quiet for something so epic
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I was just kidding guys. Just bumping the thread. Far too quiet for something so epic
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Mine legit says before shipping, so thats neat!
Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
I just rewatched the extended version of The Exorcist. It's a classic, a gem, a work of art. A worthy endeavor for any artist to recreate, and for any collector to patronize.
I was gonna post a YouTube tutorial on how to properly make the bed and fluff the pillows. What, is that weird or something?
Err...yeah.... but not as weird as my follow up video showing how to perfectly line up crucifix with crotch
Err...yeah.... but not as weird as my follow up video showing how to perfectly line up crucifix with crotch
I've always wondered how you can really. . .oh, you mean for the doll!Err...yeah.... but not as weird as my follow up video showing how to perfectly line up crucifix with crotch