Rainman's Projects... ^L^

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Once again - it lacks the quality of detail or actually detail itself, without which it looks like cartoon.
For the price of his work and the dedication he shows I wish he would not rush this out. I agree the head is not quite up to par with the rest of his work. I would wait one more month to see him perfect this head sculpt. The price of his work is worth it but thus does not quite seem up to par with the calibur of his work. After what he amazingly pulled off with tucos hair, Tyler's hair looks really lackluster. Unfinished actually. There's no doubt this will be shades of amazing I just would like to see it reach it's full potential of amazing.
I don't think he's (hope not!) Rushing out on these.

I'm sure he's just updating us with the progress of the sculpt and paint so far.

Regardless, I'd prolly still be getting these (maybe just the head and clothes set, or the unpainted head, and commission someone else to paint it).
it's definetley not a WIP sculpt. It's never happened like that before and this late in the game if that's what is going up for preorder in the 15th it's what is being offered as final product.
it's definetley not a WIP sculpt. It's never happened like that before and this late in the game if that's what is going up for preorder in the 15th it's what is being offered as final product.

Ugh, that doesn't sound like good news, Ray.

Are there any difference in the pre order protos, compared to the actual, finalized figs? Here's to hoping that rainman actually improves on the final products, and that its better than the protos.

Cause if that's the final paint and hairsculpt, I'm not sure if I wanna get the more expensive, limited set. I'd rather just get those unpainted sculpt and clothing set for the time being. And wait till some customizer offers a better one, or wait till HT or EB tackles it.
it's definetley not a WIP sculpt. It's never happened like that before and this late in the game if that's what is going up for preorder in the 15th it's what is being offered as final product.

Precisely. Which is why I am likely ducking out.

Will just get another Aldo or two instead. :lol
new sculpt from Rainman's blog


any ideas?
Rainman is receptive to our comments, we just have to let him and Zuno know what we think, as respectfully as we can. It worked with getting Tuco's jacket, seam rip and hat thrown in!

I have to agree though I may likely go for the head set, not sure I want to drop big bucks on the full figure set if I think it is not quite as good as it should be,

As for the new sculpt I have no idea, facially it kind of looks like Ian McShane, All Swearagin from Deadwood but the moustache is not the same so im not sure.
I also mean no disrespect to Rainman, who I have purchased 3 amazingly perfect figures from, but I really would like this sculpt to be revised. I don't see a lot of Pitt from any angle, and the hair lacks the detail I've come to admire, and expect from a rainman peice at this price point.
I think the sculpt is perfect as is, it's the paint that's throwing it off


You guys don't see any Pitt in the above shot? :horror:horror
Face wise I can live with it, I have no problem at all with the paint either, I really think the hair needs reworking.

Strangely enough I am completely the opposite.

I like the hair, but the eyes need reworking to get this from an excellent sculpt with relative likeness, to an excellent sculpt with superb likeness, in my eyes. Perhaps it is just the paint though? Really not sure.
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