@STEN475, darthcaezar - Thanks for the kind words bros!
@dArko2806 - The clay I use is air dry so you don't have to heat it up to cure. I think the one I'm using is the same as apoxie clay. Hope it helps. You should try sculpting bro, it's so much fun well you'll definitely start getting not so good results at first but you'll improve along the way.I myself still have a lot to learn specially in painting, I would love to try doing natural looking veins, I have no idea how it's done. Hehe.
More WIP photos.
Now the armors, made from PLA plates then sculpted clay over for details.
Two close up photos, will get a new photo of him with wrist blades made from PLA plates.
excellent as usual , I also like sculpting but is just too hard and i donthave any tools just toohpicks lol