Random question of the day: how often do you get your teeth clean and checked by Doc?

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Matt S

Super Freak
CF Supporter
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Kerrville, Tx
Between my Oral B dual flex toothbrush and Crest clinical version toothpaste, take oral care pretty seriously. Try to do less carboniated drinks, which can be hell with the enamel, but what I don't do often is see a doctor......based on how they look at the moment, professional cleaning way overdue!!!

Curious if some of you are like me, or uber religious about the doc visits
I haven't had dental insurance the past four years, and just recently got it back. Had my wisdom teeth pulled two weeks ago, and he told me I need to go to the dentist, which I already knew and have wanted to go for a cleaning for some time now, but I don't want to hear how many cavities I have, and go through the pain of having them filled. I know it will be double digits for sure. My teeth are pretty much all filled silver as it is. I used to have poor oral care, but to the best I can these days. When I was little toothpaste made me sick. Had 14 teeth pulled in order to make room for braces, so I fear anything that has to do with the dentist.

Flossing is my biggest obstacle.
I've been to the dentist a few times the last couple of weeks after falling off my bike and knocking my two top front teeth out:slap
Every 6 months. Which is good, because no matter how well I try to take care of my teeth, sometimes cavities appear and I prefer to deal with them before they require major work.
I'm hopeless. Haven't been in about four years. It's on my list of things to do, but I never get round to making the appointment. Must move it up to the top 3 on that list...
last dentist work was like 4-6 yrs now. let me go brush my teeth and shower now. gonna need a hair cut again, urgh!

I did pull my teeth once and a small shard that came off too easily. how I managed to survive back then without drinking n drugs is beyond me. how I managed to survive now, hehee.
ya'll making me want to schedule my appointment tomorrow!!! Its weird, I have (apparently) super short roots, so the process isn't fun - not to say that it hurts but I always have to 'warn' the dentist about my genetic anomaly
Mr. Green heard red head have an extra sensitivity to pain so Anesthetics doesn't work as well or requires more to numb the pain. Not so sure how true it is.

Green once took in 3 or more shot to remove 3 wisdom tooth.