10/10 for that pic!
Any T-Rex that goes by the handle of "Greygoose" and pimps out of a Yellow Submarine gets a 9.5/10 form me!
Now I await my rating. *Gets ban hammer ready*
10/10 for that pic!
Any T-Rex that goes by the handle of "Greygoose" and pimps out of a Yellow Submarine gets a 9.5/10 form me!
Now I await my rating. *Gets ban hammer ready*
9.666/10 - A name everyone knows around these parts. The friendly beagle has a darkside! Av and sig suit it perfectly!
F S L A R5/10 how do you say that?
9/10 for ego^ 10/10 All Darths are cool!
The Dark Beagle of the Sith™ approves!
9/10 for ego
My YouTube named abbreviated and my initials5/10. Only because I have no idea what FSLAR means or how to pronounce it. But I like all caps and the letters look cool together
As you should be3/10
Has some letters I like, but not all the letters I like. Hard to pronounce and the all-caps frightens me.
Has some letters I like, but not all the letters I like. Hard to pronounce and the all-caps frightens me.