Just to be clear though you guys are just looking for a metallic finish right, not a shined chrome look? Steel comes in a lot of different finishes, dull included but I agree his armor should have some metallic glint to it. Just not a completely polished shine though, that would look equally stupid.
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It would be great if someone could try and do that. If the solution is really that simple, I might burn my reward points on this one and have it fixed, fabric doesn't concern me, but the paint app does. I dont' want to shell out too much extra money for a repaint, I'd have to shell out enough for a new custom base.
I personally wouldn't want a shiny paint job for him. That's not realistic metal IMO and I think this look is personally going for a grittier metal for Doom. A dirtier, used, non-polished Doom. And that's perfect for me as that's more how I envision the character.
The original Doom doesn't even have it