You kind of have to get things cheap after all the fees. I only use it for things I can't find on other sites or ebay. Sometimes I don't bid as high as I would on an Ebay auction because of the fees. Also, the Yen is kind of weak right now and has been declining all year, so it's a good time to buy internationally.
My winning bid was 18000 yen, which is roughly $180. I'll pay $15 for Yahoo Japan, and $20 to Rinkya.
Then shipping is $20-30 bucks and they have another shipping fee as they prepare it at their warehouse. I'll end up paying about $250 to $260. Which is a good deal considering the last guy I know who got one paid $350 euros, which is close to $400-500 bucks.
Ebay sellers are asking $500 to $800!
Plus, Rinkya is very professional, and you can store items for up to 2 months and combine shipping. They shipped me a giant box of 10 items last week and everything was very professionally packed. Bubblewrap, paper ect.
They also communicate with you on their facebook page and are very friendly. Highly recommend them.
Keep in mind that most of the auctions end early in the morning here, so you have to watch them and get up early. Also the auctions extend, so you can't snipe.