Well there's a lot more that connects the film to ALIEN than Covenant so it doesn't make much sense to me to claim that it fits more seamlessly to the latter than the former. I mean I could just as easily say "you know if you swap the Alien Queen with an Engineer and Bishop with David then ALIENS actually fits better with Prometheus than ALIEN." Well duh, lol.
Hmmm Accept having those things in Aliens would make it a lesser film, not to mention make no sense since there were no prequel films at the time. And had the prequels existed there would be no reason for any of that other than it was chained to all that dumb stuff.
Romulus was already going out of its way to be connected to those films and any of my suggestions would not have turned the plot on its ear or made the film worse.
You ignore the fact that we both agree they are different worlds. The Prequel world grabs cool elements from the originals and Romulus grabs dumb ideas from the Prequels
When you take the goo and the way the rat reacts to it (like Covenant) and the space jockey hybrid you are basically in the dumb world of the Prequels
I can pretend to ignore all that but since they are only referenced in the prequels….Well there you go.
And Spielberg did not really direct Poltergeist lolI don't believe for one second that Romulus was ever intended to be a sequel to Covenant. If you followed any of the behind the scenes interviews or documentaries you'll quickly see that this was 100% Fede Alvarez' baby.
Those BTS docs on the disc are superficial and Scott isn’t going to crap on Fede. In fact I would not be surprised if they told Scott to say all that to keep people from thinking of the Prequels before it was released.
Having said that I think if anything Fede probably had long discussions with Ridley about where he was going to take the next film and Fede took some of those ideas.
Well if the hybrid birth was his idea then obviously he was thinking of making this a sequel to the prequels and the film works better that way due to the dumb stuff being in it.He came up with the story of the kids stranded at Jackson's Star to mimic the isolation he felt living down in Uruguay when he wanted to be in the US making Hollywood movies.
He was the one that came up with the hybrid birth at the end that Disney executives felt nervous about including in the movie. So this wasn't some Ridley Scott passion project that got shifted to him and then tweaked to change the timeline.
Well obviously the film was made. Of course they would be two different things. Im not saying the film IS a direct sequel but I believe ideas were taken from Ridley from that possible sequel.The main Covenant actress even stated publicly after the success of Romulus that now she hopes that Disney will now consider continuing the Covenant story so they're definitely two entirely separate things.
Wait…. It obviously is meant to be part of that canon. You are not saying it’s not are you? Maybe not like I’m saying it was going to be but, no way you can say it’s not, unless you twist things around.Just the fact that the entire premise of Romulus isn't flat out stupid tells me that it was never written to be part of the Prometheus canon (yes I separate them too.)
It’s some ugly window dressing.All the complaints against Romulus are against the window dressing (Rook CGI and Offspring design) and some dialogue repeated from past films.
I’ve made other complaints
Dodging the acid,
Mostly bad characters,
bad Alien design,
average suspense (I do like the thawing out scene a lot though).
Ship hovering over the planet but WY company does not notice.
It’s all yet another reason I accept this more as Prometheus world sequel.
I agree about all the dumb in those films. It’s why I can’t accept them as Alien movies and more as Fan fictionThat's pretty much it. The complaints against Prometheus and Covenant are how STUPID it was to make the Space Jockey alien a suit for the dumb engineers, how lame it was to suggest the engineers created humans and how utterly moronic ALL the characters were from BOTH films.
And this film uses and elaborates on the dumb and pulls it into its film. Hence why I think Scott was behind some of this stuff and why it would work better in that world.
If I accept Romulus as canon I have to accept the dumb black goo and the dumb engineer hybrid as part of true Alien Canon.
Yeah but I pretty much liked all those dumb characters way more then most the characters in RomulusNote that in Romulus the first thing the kids do before entering the station is analyze the temperature and air supply, and go in with *masks* on (just like the salvage team at the beginning of ALIENS) instead of just walking around alien planets with no protection whatsoever (as we saw the "experts" and "geniuses" do in both Prometheus and Covenant.) Good lord those are lame ass films, lol.

Hey Khev I’m fine with whatever. You find enjoyment out of this being in the Alien World. You find it easy to ignore its prequel aspects. Ok
For me it works better as part of the fan fiction Prometheus series cause the quality is no where near that of Alien, Aliens, or Alien 3 (which is also a alternate universe film lol ) and it has all the call backs to those ideas in the Prequel films that the original didn’t have.
I just find it interesting and ultimately make sense to have the same film but have David and the Ship he was on be what was discovered. It would improve it for no other reason than we get Fassbender in the film and not that dumb deep fake that takes you out of the movie each and every time
More importantly it keeps all those dumb ideas away from the originals.
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