Ok, an update for those who are listening. I recently went back to my doctor for another follow up. I am currently at a really good state. I take a 20mg Adderall XR at 7:20 am, then I take a 10mg Adderall IR (immediate release) at 2pm. I have noticed a huge improvement in my focus. My wife has also noticed my improved focus. I feel that I am more involved in conversation with people. I have very little side effects, I only really get dry mouth and a bad after taste in my mouth. My appetite varies. Sometime I eat a full dinner, and other times I just eat a bowl of cereal for dinner.
I don't really care what people think about someone taking meds to help them. For years I refused to do something about my ADD, but now I grew up and I am taking charge of my life. My doctor is not a drug dealer. I am soo glad that I was able to find a doctor that I could trust, and I could share any concerns that I would have.
Since I am taking two difference types of Adderall they can be very expensive, but since I have recently hit my deductible my meds are now more affordable. Not looking to the new year when I have to try to hit the deducible again!
I have taken my new and improved focus, and using that energy to focus on getting a new job. I recently graduated from Rowan University (Cum Laude) and I am hoping now since I have my Bachelor's Degree more job opportunities will be available.