Insufferable S.O.B.
lol, came across a camp of 2 guys with TNT. I stopped to see if it was a little side quest. One of them asks the other if they have a light and blew us all up.
lol, came across a camp of 2 guys with TNT. I stopped to see if it was a little side quest. One of them asks the other if they have a light and blew us all up.
I have done all the challenges and am doing the last of the bounty's but I am still looking for those damn skunks and raccoons... I found 4 raccoons by accident somewhere in Mexico but I can't find anymore and I've only seen a skunk once. Is there any place where they are sure to show up?
lol, came across a camp of 2 guys with TNT. I stopped to see if it was a little side quest. One of them asks the other if they have a light and blew us all up.
I've been doing pretty good on the dice game. Here's my take.
The more dice on the table the less likely I am to either call a bluff or call a guy dead on. I try to make my own bid or hope that somebody else calls the bluff thereby risking their die and not my own.
As the number of dice on the table decreases I am better able to discern what the opponents are likely to have and force them into making bold bluffs. I rarely bluff myself. If I have two 6's I don't throw out there a bid of four 6s. I just state my two and see if someone calls it. Remember when you throw our a bid you are stating that there are AT LEAST that many of a die. You don't have to be right on. In fact if you are right on and someone calls you on being dead right you lose a die. So I try to purposefully be conservative and undercut the amount on the table if possible.
I figured out the rules while watching POTC2: Dead Man's Chest. If you bluff high right off, the computer will pretty much be forced to bluff higher, then you call his bluff, and you'll win. It's called Liar's Dice for a reason, you have to lie to win. I've only played one game, the one that you have to do for the stranger, but it was easy enough and a I won right off.
If the guy says "I've got one 2" you say "I've got two 2s" and then he'll says "I've got three 2s" and you call his bluff. It's much less likely he has more of the same die face than one of a higher die face. If he says "Two 5s", I'd say "One 6" and he'd have to say "Two 6s" and I'd call his bluff.
I'm no expert though. . . your mileage may vary.
As long as the next player either stays at the previous # bid or goes higher I think they can change the face all they want.
For example, if you said two 2s, he can say two 3s and the next person can say two 6s. But when it gets back to you you would have to up to three of something (your choice of face) because you already ante'd 2 the previous round.
I think you may have encountered the easy table when you made you audacious bid and they didn't call you. I think there are more difficult tables around the map that won't make the same mistake.
I saw them too...shot their TNT from a distance and blew them up.I had maximum honor (good) then went for the achievment of using a pardon letter for a $5000 bounty and now I'm pure evil. That horse you get is wicked looking - all kinds of sores all over his body.
Don't know if he's the fastest horse around, but he's pretty nasty looking.
Yeah, when I worked to get that achievement (which by the way the easiest place to do that is Blackwater) that horse came around the corner and I was like dang that cool.
That's where I got it too. Just got up on the roof and sniped people or shot them when they were coming up the ladder. Too easy, actually. Then you can pay your bounty right down the street.
I did it down below between the two buildings next to the ladder.Yeah, really easy to just run across the street and get that taken care of. Then I went back to work so I could get the secret achievement on dealing with a bounty.
What achievment is that? Please tell!![]()
Its the heading south on a white bronco achievement. You have to get a bounty at least $500 I'd say and get the US Marshalls on your trail. Then when you do head away from them on a white Hungarian half breed.
Thanks for that....I had heard of that one...just haven't gotten it yet.
We are aware that there are still some of you out there experiencing issues with Red Dead Redemption, including multiplayer connectivity and getting the Mo Van Barr bounty. We are currently testing a Red Dead Redemption title update for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 that aims to fix these and other items. Due to the unpredictable nature of the testing and console manufacturer submission process, we cannot pin down a very specific date and time, but we do expect this to be released for download for both systems by the end of next week. We can assure you we are working with our partners at Microsoft and Sony to make this title update available literally as soon as possible.
Once again, we thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding. As a token of our appreciation for your patience and in gratitude to all the Red Dead fans out there, we are also planning on releasing the Expert Hunter and Savvy Merchant outfits and related challenges later this summer for free. Please stay tuned for more details on that - as well as on the Outlaws to the End Co-Op Missions DLC Pack coming for free later this month.
I had a funny side-quest deal that is probably common, but cracked me up anyway. I came across a broken down stage coach with one wounded and one dead police officer. The live one told me that two bandits did that, and that I should get justice. So, I lassoed the two guys and returned them to the feet of the policeman. He thanked me, paid me $10 or whatever, then casually shot both hog-tied bandits in the head and walked offlol, came across a camp of 2 guys with TNT. I stopped to see if it was a little side quest. One of them asks the other if they have a light and blew us all up.
We'll see about that.tomorrow I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me you hear! Hell's coming with me!
I ran into a few of those, stopped and watched them to see what they did, put on my bandana and shot the TNT. BOOM.lol, came across a camp of 2 guys with TNT. I stopped to see if it was a little side quest. One of them asks the other if they have a light and blew us all up.
Go the outfits menu and the specific outfit, hit 'X' for 'Tracking' and a Purple circle will appear in the area for that piece.I still haven't tried MP. Want to get 100% completion, so working on that.....
One thing that is annoying me, is I haven't seen the California stranger mission yet....that was supposed to unlock near the beginning of the game. What's up with that.I can't unlock all the outfits until I get that.
I didn't get that one till after I had beaten the game (all the story lines). It happens in near gap tooth breach.