Lifting hollow statues will not build muscles...
They display the same as solid statues though.
Large solid statues are a thing of the past with Sideshow me thinks.
May I suggest not purchasing the item then?And a hollow plastic roto mold figure displays the same as well. Sideshow was able to ask the high prices by adding Gypsum to the mix and called it Polystone. It felt like stone and was heavy. Now we are willing to pay twice as much for Poly-light??? If what it is made of means nothing then 12 inch spawn figures are superior to most statues as they display fantastic. And 1/6 scale ArtFX statues should be all we buy as they are under $100 if what they are made of does not matter.
Heck, I do not have to have them made with quality and weight, I would happily pay $150 for this hulk made of PVC like a Koto statue, If we are going for cheap production lets get the cheap price as well. I would be super happy with this piece for $150 in PVC, it is almost at that level of production quality now so why not just made all the Premium formats plastic from now on.
I do like the sculpt they gave us of Red Hulk but at what point is lowering quality and raising prices become enough?
Here's the thing with business, if you can sell 1/2 the statues for double the price then you only need 1/2 of your current customer base to buy them to keep the same profits. I wouldn't be surprised to see SS keep raising their prices until they find a point where they can continue with the same profits but have to deal with less customers. Reduces the amount of customers service you have to deal with and with less statues you probably have less QC issues.
Of course I'm just guessing. I just can't see how a PF can cost $150 more then all the other PF's. I know Gladiator Hulk is $600 ($50 more then Red Hulk) but he is also 10" taller... Only thing else I can figure is SS thinks there not going to sell many of these Hulks so they have to raise the price on them![]()
What makes you think any future release will be cheaper or better value for money?
Prices will keep rising.
Of course I'm just guessing. I just can't see how a PF can cost $150 more then all the other PF's. I know Gladiator Hulk is $600 ($50 more then Red Hulk) but he is also 10" taller...![]()
Have you guys seen the $1,200 1:4 Predator 2 Maquette?
Makes this look dirt cheap!
Have you guys seen the $1,200 1:4 Predator 2 Maquette?
Makes this look dirt cheap!
Still not $1,200 worth but we pay itYes but even that is 28 inches and looks far mor complex to produce than a single color Hulk.