Super Freak
I think the statue looks pretty good, although I find the design choice of a bandage garter belt on one leg and the wrappings on the one arm a bit weird.
Only boots are bloody. Must have been killing hobbits.
What exactly was the major letdown from the last one in the paint department? Mine was flawless. Was it custom paint level like my OG Sonja painted by Vicente Torres? No, you'd have to be a moron to think you could get that level from a factory, but it was pretty darn amazing for mass production.
What exactly was the major letdown from the last one in the paint department? Mine was flawless. Was it custom paint level like my OG Sonja painted by Vicente Torres? No, you'd have to be a moron to think you could get that level from a factory, but it was pretty darn amazing for mass production.
the face sculpt and paint are both top notch, however the production piece you will receive will not have a top notch paint job... These sonja statues always have fantastic prototypes but end up with production paint jobs that are far from prototype level quality. I have purchased both sonja's and neither of them ended up anywhere near as good as the prototype paint. I would be crazy to think that all of a sudden this would change with this one. Doing the same thing over and over (purchasing PO's of SSC statues based on Prototype Paint jobs) and expecting a different result (e.g the final production paint to look exactly like the prototype paint when it never does) is the very definition of insanity...
What exactly was the major letdown from the last one in the paint department? Mine was flawless. Was it custom paint level like my OG Sonja painted by Vicente Torres? No, you'd have to be a moron to think you could get that level from a factory, but it was pretty darn amazing for mass production.
What exactly was the major letdown from the last one in the paint department? Mine was flawless. Was it custom paint level like my OG Sonja painted by Vicente Torres? No, you'd have to be a moron to think you could get that level from a factory, but it was pretty darn amazing for mass production.
I'm so out of the loop with PFs outside of the DC section I thought this one was going to be 1/5 like their Dodson Vampi statue.
I think her ****s look more natural this time. And her face, at least the shape, somehow reminds me of Lucy Lawless' facial structure.