Whats your opinion about the auality of the set?
I am wondering about the quality of the clothes in Redman's set for Rick? I am also looking at Natchan's clothes, too. Needing a set to put my Rick together. Hope someone would come in to leave a comment about this? Thanks!
I just received the deluxe set (the one with the 2 sculpts) from md.
The news are not good and I cannot understand why someone who got one of the previous sets
has not commented on this thread about the quality of redman's sets.
Heads: Not great but ok. I have seen much worse.
Watch:One color, rubber made. Awful.
Ring: Metal? ok
Colt: Cheap plastic. Even Heroic made one better years before. Mediocre
Gun with silencer: Plastic, gun with non removable clip, gun glued to torchlight. ok
Belt: Cheap plastic, smells petrol. Pouches close except holster. Mediocre
Walkie-talkie: Rubber. Mediocre
Knife: Plastic, cannot be opened but molded. Awful
Boots: Plastic (what did you expect, leather?). Mediocre
T-shirt: nylon not fabric. Mediocre
Jacket: Fabric, no working buttons. ok I guess
Shirt: fabric, closes with velcro, does not have cuff links. ok I guess
Pants: fabric, closes with velcro. ok
If it weren't for the 2 almost ok heads and because of the price I payed ($100 instead of the usual $125),
it would be the 1st time I would have contacted the retailer to return this set.
My 1st thought was thank god I did not order one of the other sets (same price, no heads)
and 2ond not to order the sheriff set I was planning to.
I am disappointed for now and after I receive the 2 bodies I am expecting,
I will inform you how it all went.