apart from reculpting the head and painting the boots brown, part of the fun for me is taking the outfits off and putting them back on, attempting to get them as close as possible to the on screen versions.... and paying close attention to pose and scale. Trying to make them look not like small toys.. but like real people, in real clothes.... when you achieve this it's a great buzz. Much better than just getting them out and plonking them on a shelf
I also snipped the stitching off the back of the belt, to unattach it from the leather tabbards (or whatever they're called) then the belt and tabbards at the front can be pulled much lower, as on the toy they're too high... making him look all puffed up like a fake body builder. Whereas if you look at pictures of hayden, its lower down around his waist. This has a huge effect on the realism of the figure. (of course it means the tabbards at the back are too high in comparison... but hey.. i never display my figure from the back)