Mad Old Lu
Super Freak
The exclusive Belloq is now on wait list and the regular is on second chance.
Um...okay. I wasn't aware I was pouting...
Oh! Okay...well. i got on the waitlist so we'll see.
Between yours & Indiana Fett's "futzed" shots, I finally had to cave and see if I can get him...
The exclusive Belloq is now on wait list and the regular is on second chance.
My Free Gift was a Kit Fisto character key..... whoopee!
Here are some shots of my Tannis Dig Belloq:
Thanks Wor-Gar! Your Belloq was my inspiration! This figure is great once properly futzed.
bmarz1000, how did you go about making your scarf? it looks great.
I took some paint to Belloq's hair last night to get the grey look and ended up having to repaint his eye brows as well, it turned out great though (also took out the doll dot while I had the paints out). The more I looked at movie stills the more I was amazed at how Sideshow produced this figure with what amounts to solid black hair and brown eyebrows. Is this just a major oversite on their part? No where in the film have I ever noticed Belloq and thought "wow, dark hair".... Am I nuts?