Repainted Leia

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Super Freak
May 21, 2007
Reaction score
Ok here is the latest on the on going repaints list. Im sure most of you are familiar with Sideshows Leia. Not a terrible likeness to Carrie Fisher. I dont get many female sculpts so this was fun to repaint. I posted some befores and afters.




Looks pretty realistic Josh, but I think the tan doesn't quite fit right Leia. I think she should be more pale and then as fia2k9 said "make up" applied.
great paint apps, but you got to put make up on her man!

The pic you posted is actually the one i went off of when painting here up. I wanted to keep the makeup suttle if not then she would end up looking like a cheap hooker / clown
Sorry, but I think it looks pretty bad from those pictures. The repaint looks like a man. You definitely have great painting skills but I think this one was a miss.
I don't think the production Leia looked anywhere near as good as that press photo, though. I like the repainted version, but she does sort of look like she just took her makeup off and is getting ready for bed. I had a hell of time trying to repaint Leia myself. Since my effort was compared to a monkey and yours was compared to a man, I guess you win. ;)
I think its great from the painting perspective. The eyebrows and all that is brilliant. I just think she needs to be almost Snow White pale and pinker in spots and not your traditional flesh mix which works great for most. :)
Yeah i def think the Likeness is off now that i rounded up other pics of Fisher. I hope Trevor sculpts the next one. I guess i could go back and apply more makeup and make her look like a 70's porn star that kinda looks like a dude/monkey thing :lol
I like your repaint a lot man!
Maybe a bit more make-up, but overall it's a vast improvement!
If you're not happy, you can always send it to me... :D




It's a beautiful repaint, smallstudios! Maybe the eyes are a little light and slightly wonky (when looking at her head-on)? Maybe?

But really, the paint job is stunning. I can't get over how you get such fine details in the eyes, like the pink on the edges or the bottom lashes! Beautiful skin tones!