I don’t think frame rates are so overrated Kiva.
For example: Silent films running between 16 and 20 frames, but it wasn’t perceived fluid, neither at that time nor now either, and THAT was precisely the reason to increase the number of frames up to 24. Why 24 fps?? Easy, that’s because the human eye is designed in that way, I mean, we perceive fluid movement/motion (or smoothness) from a particular number of frames. (and not less)
The other important reason (At that time) was a matter of money/budget, Nowadays 24 fps is the current standard in the film industry, but nevertheless, at that time, increase the number of frames above 24 fps meant more money..
A game running at 15fps is a TERRIBLE thing man!,

No matter the resolution, Max settings, ultra High Textures, assets, AA, post-process effects, filters, 4K resolution or whatever you want.. Visually speaking this is something very annoying to the human eye.
The same applies when a game doesn’t have an stable frame rate (specially games running at 30fps), and my point about RE6 (Ps360). A game with an unstable Frame rate, which oscillates regularly between 22fps and 30fps is something really annoying (visually speaking), THIS has something to do with the current HDTV’s hertz frequency and interpolation system, jumping or skipping frames which don’t match with the TV’s frequency.. Therefore, these mismatched frames are not shown on screen (which means; A Stutter/choopy frame rate ) and it also affects to the gameplay itself (less responsive or worse aiming for example), for other technical reasons. In short: Frame-rates (30-24-60) should be solid.
Personally, a solid frame rate is something very important to me (visually speaking would it be one of the most clearly). And about 30fps or 60fps.. Well, that depends of the game itself (Genre) and personal preferences. 60 fps in TPS or FPS games seem more satisfying to me as I said before, although in other kind of games I don’t care, and in that case I still prefer 30fps (rock-solid) and other visual enhancements (Max/Ultra settings you know) instead.
Anyways, I think I can understand what happens to your nephew when he is playing a game running at 60fps, in fact It’s a bit “tricky” and at the same time it’s something technically true, (Once again this has something to do with the frames and the current interpolation system but in a different way).
This happens only with a game in motion: When he plays at 30fps the other half of interleaved frames (30fps not shown on screen) are perceived “fuzzily” in motion (everything looks fuzzier or blurred in motion) whilst when he plays at 60fps he perceives everything Sharper and cleaner
in motion (or at least that's the feeling he has. ) Right?