We've had some good villains. Even the minor ones used to be good. Chief Irons, Nicholai, Krauser... heck even Alfred was good. All of them succeeded at making you hate them for the right reason. I hated all the villains in RE6 because they were terribly written and just all around awful. Ustanak was fine but he's not too hard to write for
But...without Wesker...yeah I kind of just dont care anymore. He was the mastermind, he was the reason. Wesker IS the evil resident

I did like all the villains leading up to RE6. Simmons and Carla was so shallow as characters that you honestly didn't give enough of a **** about them to even hate them.
Ustanak probably was the only new character I enjoyed in RE6, although he still pales in comparison to how nerve racking it was when dealing with and hiding from Nemesis.