Media Resident Evil 7

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Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

I really wanted to see or hear anything new on RE7 at E3.. :(
Re: Resident Evil 7 to be possibly be revealed at E3

Capcom making no mention of a new game just prolongs the bad taste left behind with RE6. At one time, this was the top franchice of the company. I mean all franchises change with the times, but to go ahead and try and emulate COD in a Survival Horror genre... and have your head so far up your ass that you think the fans want this...
I hope so. I'd like to think Capcom woke up after the last one, but even before RE6 came out they gave us that "returning to it's roots" garbage. If they can't give us a sequel worth a damn, I wish they would at least give us a proper RE2 remake. But I believe any staff involved with the original has long since left Capcom.
I never bothered with RE6, and sounds like I didn't miss much. An RE2 remake would be the best thing that they could do. I remember buying a Gamecube back when they promised remakes of the series. I loved how part 1 turned out then.
The REmake went to swimmingly well since Mikami had control of it, personally I think it outdid the original in every conceivable way and became the true canon of the Mansion.

It is a shame they never touched RE2-3 and just ported them.
RE2 and 3 could be combined together into one game actually, considering they're both in Raccoon City and take place at the exact same time. Of course, Capcom would make them separate still even if they knew this just for money
In a remake situation, RE2 and 3 together in one game isn't feasible at all. Just because they take place mostly parallel to each other, they're still two distinct games.
I mean like as separate campaigns, in one disc or downloadable thing. And then with some tie ins or something. idk.
Not necessarily RE news, but interesting. What company would be a good fit?

In an interesting twist, Capcom’s shareholders have voted to end their takeover defense. Set up in 2008, the takeover defense was a series of strategies designed to prevent outside companies from buying up a majority of Capcom’s stock, but shareholders voted against renewing it at their latest investor’s meeting, which opens the company up for potential buyers.

This by no means signifies an end to Capcom as a third party developer – an outside company would still have to pay a hefty sum to acquire over 50% of Capcom’s stock – but it’s now a distinct possibility. Capcom is no longer the lucrative giant it once was, but any potential buyers would gain exclusive rights to important franchises like Street Fighter, Ace Attorney, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Mega Man, and many more. What company, if any, will make them an offer they can’t refuse?
Didnt nanomachine wesker already happen? The Wesker battle was pretty much a carbon copy of the Vamp fight in MGS4 :lol

:lol you're ******* right.

Although to be honest I preferred the Wesker battle of Vamp, and pretty much over 90% of the Boss battles in MGS4... -_-

In regards to Wesker, I've never wanted the bad guy to win before I was introduced to him. At this point, he needs to return and cleanse the franchise by killing off all the main characters.
He must out-steroid Chris for there to be justice :lecture and quite frankly Wesker is the only good villain this franchise ever had. Outside of Nemesis. It really can't be stressed enough, even though Saddler was...ok I guess (racist bastard).

Simmons is :lol and always will be.
Wesker was the Darth Vader of the series, without him in the background pulling strings... is isn't Resident Evil.

Don't get me started on the cluster **** that became Chris...
:lol you're ******* right.

Although to be honest I preferred the Wesker battle of Vamp, and pretty much over 90% of the Boss battles in MGS4... -_-

In regards to Wesker, I've never wanted the bad guy to win before I was introduced to him. At this point, he needs to return and cleanse the franchise by killing off all the main characters.

We've had some good villains. Even the minor ones used to be good. Chief Irons, Nicholai, Krauser... heck even Alfred was good. All of them succeeded at making you hate them for the right reason. I hated all the villains in RE6 because they were terribly written and just all around awful. Ustanak was fine but he's not too hard to write for :lol

But...without Wesker...yeah I kind of just dont care anymore. He was the mastermind, he was the reason. Wesker IS the evil resident