Hype is over. Im bored of the game. Thinking of getting £36 back trading it in im that far gone. Its got zero longevity. I think what made this game feel... well it was Resident Evil but it didnt FEEL like it. Not in a bad way like 4/5/6 but it was the lack of interesting enemies. I was hoping Alan would get up and go after me. I was hoping for just-turned enemies. It was a missed opportunity not having moulded dogs, moulded alligators especially in the water areas.
Moulded were incredibly boring after the first encounter. Point shotgun, shoot head, move on. The crawling ones were the same; shotgun, move on. Fat ones were annoying but again; shotgun, headshots, done.
RE1 had zombies, cerberus, plant 42, Fi-03, Yawn, hunters, chimera, web spinners, black tiger, crows and the Tyrant. RE2 had zombies, cerberus, licker, advanced licker, poison ivy, alligator, web spinner, 5 mutations of Birkin, G mutant, 2 mutations of Mr X, web spinners. RE3 added Hunter Gamma, Hunter Beta, Worms, Snakes, Grave Digger, Brain Sucker, Drain Demois, 4 mutations of Nemesis. They were all fantastic designs. RE7 misses that alot.
Ive managed to finish on normal in 2hr 56. Ive finished all 3 difficulties. The first time I loved it, the second time it was alright. 3rd time I struggled to play. It becomes a chore when you get to Lucas' part. It just isnt 'fun'. After the main house the locations are so dull. The ship is ridiculously boring. Salt mines are so boring. Theres nothing that makes me want to stop and look in awe. Its like all the effort was put upto Margeurite then capcom thought '**** it, lets put abit of Saw here, give Mia a machine gun and go full shoot em up with as little story as possible'. Its how I imagine REmake if the ended the game before Hunters went in the mansion. I cant explain it but it feels like something is just missing from RE7.
The obvious cut content held back for paid DLC like the Battle mode/Mercanaries/Raid/Ethan must die which has been in RE since the very original all the way to RE6 or the cut videotapes hence there was 5 videoplayers but just 3 videotapes in the main game. We have had a battle mode since the very original game. Its a staple thing in every main title and it has always been included.