Wow that looks great there, even with Gweedo Nemesis 
Did you hike the skirt up? And that magazine pouch, was that off that "Murphy" cop set? I actually have some spares of those from when I had my custom Leons. Although I might actually use one spare magazine pouch from my one bootleg Leon.
I really did the harnessless look with just the sweater around the waste, looks just like the CG art.
I'll definitely pick that harness up, since it's the right color compared to the game and CG art.

Did you hike the skirt up? And that magazine pouch, was that off that "Murphy" cop set? I actually have some spares of those from when I had my custom Leons. Although I might actually use one spare magazine pouch from my one bootleg Leon.
I really did the harnessless look with just the sweater around the waste, looks just like the CG art.

I'll definitely pick that harness up, since it's the right color compared to the game and CG art.