Been playing on the Japanese servers? Lucky bastard 

By the way Brandon. What did you use for the arm bandolier for your RE2 Ada? And what buttons did you use for her harness? I'm probably buying that custom outfit and I saw it didn't have those.
Sorry it took me so long to reply, been really busy the past few days with work and all my stuff finally arriving from California.
I cut up an extra faux leather belt/strap to fit her arm and cut an HT Black Widow wristband to fit/super glue on. I may update it though. The harness/holsters were custom made and was quite difficult as I recall trying to recreate how it's supposed to look. Lots of cutting and super glueing. I used one of the 3rd party Die Hard John McClane holsters and modified the hell out of it.
That fanny pack you posted a link to is the exact one I used, except I had to cut the straps and add metal rings so it'd connect to her thin leather strap around her waist. Also, let me know about the custom leather guy if you do pursue that route!