Received this weekend a Hot Heart Jacket Leon... Will have to suffice given the asking price of the real thing...
Weapons are nicely detailed, some moving parts here and there on almost all weapons, no removable magazines on handguns (that doesn't bother me at all, one thing less that could get lost); the grenade says that is a flashbang but it's colored green, like the explosive ones... Clothing is fine, sculpt and paint of head OK, I suppose the original one has far more detail...
The only issues I have are the hands and articulations... The hands are very nicely detailed, fingernails and all, but they're molded on an extremely stiff plastic that makes it almost impossible for me to put a gun on his hand! I even considered using a bath of hot water or a hair drier on them... The other problem are the articulations! Flimsy AF, can hardly stand him up!
But oh well, you get what you pay for... So far so good anyways :v