I like all of RE series even the gun survivor one, not so much on re7 ...
What we need to know first (and sometimes alot of people forget about it) is RE is not just a horror genre its a survival horror genre, thats why the name is "Biohazard" it's about virus that used as a weapon not about a Resident that go Evil... so im okay with re6 (maybe just me) 'cos the logic about weapon is, it is intended to use in a war / action, yes there is horror at first but thats the first one we cannot always in a survival horror genre not if we talking about weapon (biowar)... thats why revelation 1 and 2 is made 'cos unstatisfied fans about re6 is to much action, if you look on revelations its like re4 which is the virus is contained on little area (ship or island or village) thats why we can do survival genre again... but not if the location as big as china like re6.... and yes i think the maker is thinking about what the fans want thats why there is survival horror on leon campaign like re1 or 2, there is chasing by nemesis like re3 on sherry birkin campaign, and there is action like call of duty on chris one ('cos i think at that time first person shooting is very popular)... Thats just one and two cents what i think about re6 dont bash me with it.. hahahaha....
RE7 oh God dont even let me start on that, this game is just a jealous one on Shinji Mikami's Evil Within, to be the truth RE series always lack of something since he left capcom... Anyway happy annivesary on RE2 hope Capcom will Remake 2 and 3 just like 1....