The custom is truly amazing. You got me at the chest and typewriter. These are the essentials for every OG resident evil game and now I feel the sudden urge to make those from scratch, any potential pitfalls?
@sldoank wow! What an amazing bash! I'd also gladly pay for a run of this. What head is that? Did you sculpt the hair yourself?
The custom is truly amazing. You got me at the chest and typewriter. These are the essentials for every OG resident evil game and now I feel the sudden urge to make those from scratch, any potential pitfalls?
I really like the pic of jill and the zombie sitting down together on the chest having a picnic. Great pics and great customs!
Thank U hahaahhaa... its original HotToys Jill Headsculpt nothing changed beside i "scalping" her.. cutting the back of her head so i can fit a hair on it... the hair is from hottoys Saeko City hunter painted dull darkbrown, cutting some of it and adding a half bang from Jill's original hair... (nothing is sculpted from all i did on my STARS, havent got access to sculpting clay back then)...
In case anyone still wondering and missed to read my "recipes"
"Recipes" :
Head Sculpt - Customized Jill HotToys Head,
Hair Sculpt - Customized from Saeko City Hunter HotToys (Paint it, cut it, and add original Jill hair bangs),
Body - Abigail/Sarah Connor HotToys Body,
Hands - Customized Jill HotToys Hands (Adding Pad) and Customized BlackWidow hands,
Beret - Customized Barney Ross HotToys beret (Paint it, adding STARS logo),
Shirt, Vest - From scratch by Me,
STARS Logo - Chris Redfield HotToys,
Pants - Chris Redfield pants dyed Blue and downsize it to female,
Watch, Belt, Holster - From several source KitBashed by Me,
Pouches - From scratch by Me,
Boots - Customized VeryCool Female Boots (Paint it Black),
All Weathered by Me..
Accesories: (Explained more on each Photos)
Herbs and elses - Build it from scratch by Me including the Typewriter,
StandBase,Guns,Jerrycan - Customized it.
Thanks man...![]()
Another Jill and yet still the same repeated version.... keep repeating the same version yet there is not one accurate to the game.. sigh...
i guess the sculpt is slightly better than before.. its quite resemble to Julia Voth..
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More classic looks.
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In hand pics from the internets:
suggestions on what type of seamless body I could use to have a better looking figure on display?
That's a great Jill! If you're looking for a seamless body, I would recommend Phicen bodies. The older Phicen bodies because the newer ones are too muscular in my opinion. I wouldn't recommend a normal (non Phicen) female body with just seamless arms as the arms could potentially crack in the future where as Phicen seems to be pretty durable and haven't come across any cracks in mine (had some since 2015).
I'm using the s19b for my RE1 and RE3 Jills.
i think Xing mid bust body looks better. Phicen's neck just a tad too long.
and you really don't need full seamless since only the arms are showing.
How durable are the Xing bodies? Don't have any experience with them.
the skin tone matches and the body is not as bulky but you might think the arm's too skinny since Jill isn't really skinny but at least the neck thickness & length matches. not much issue with the pants it's abit hard to slip on but not super tight until you risk bursting the pants.
don't know about durability since the body is rather new. price wise it's a fraction cheaper than TB due to not being full seamless and being a new brand, so i think quality won't be bad.
Thanks, I need to check it out. Never heard of them.