Resident Evil Customs Thread

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It is the Jiaou JOK-11C as mentioned above.
(I use the same body for my OG Leon figure)

However I think Jiaou revised the skin tone to be more natural looking and pinkish and that Mttoys is using the old skin tone so you might have a hard time finding the exact colour match.

I used the pale version years ago and when replacing the body because it cracked the skin tone was different to the older version. Picked up a suntan version almost immediately after the Mttoys Leon arrived and the skin tone didn’t match.

I got the bodies of eBay so maybe I got the older version but I’m doubtful since imo the skin tone looked better.
Thank you! Gonna make some research. :pray: :love:
What Leon clones are you planning on putting together??

I’d love to see him in the suit from the intro with the president. It’s a damn shame that outfit and the OG outfit didn’t make it into the game with removable jackets.
That’s a good idea! I have Hot Hearts sets and want to switch bodies and use MT heads, bodies aren’t great but outfits and accessories are pretty decent
A Little love for the OG



Found some Tbleague “pale” hands for Ada since we only got the relaxed ones. Anyway, leaving the stock body for now since the dress didn’t work on a seamless body. Might snag the swtoys or checkout Aliexpress.
Yeah, Hhaha,, I want to test it but don't have a spare body..

Yes option to replace the body or put the jacket on 😁
Or could even go for the bulletproof vest look so you can keep the same pose with Ashley.

Cracking is always gonna suck but thankfully it doesn’t mean the end to this Leon figure.

My RE4 Hot toys Ada is in pieces because the arms cracked so bad and no body comes even close to the skin tone of the sculpt 😱 waiting for the hot heart version.