Ugh You.Ugh RE4
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Nah, down with RE6Down with RE4!:
10/10 would watch her eat anything without some obnoxiously loud music.
I think Revelations 2 suffers too much on focusing on your first time play through of the game. And i loved it the first time, but playing the game multiple times i find to be more of a chore than i did with Re 6. The settings just feel dull and bland once it doesnt feel like a threat anymore. And the only character i liked was Moira. It doesnt feel like " fun " once you are overpowered with all your leveled up weapons and stuff.6 better than Rev2? Kiva, are you high?
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o shiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
It's a different game, but it's still an RE game due to actual horror. Reviewers, and I think some fans, at the time after 0 agreed that the series needed something new, and that's what it brought. The problem is Capcom changed way too much following 4, like atmosphere, horror and some monster designs. 6 didn't relaly improve on the gameplay, with stuff like stumbling and pointless animations that sorta ruin the pace. 6 has other problems that many people here will mention.I notice a lot of hate on 6, but honestly it's not a terrible game. It definitely has some of the tightest controls in the whole series. You can complain that it's not like a "real" RE but to be fair if we're playing that game than none of the numbered games after 3 have been authentic. Four is a great game, but it is most definitely not the same game as the originals. RE5 and 6 just took the formula and improved on the gameplay. Mercenaries in 6 is some of the most fun I've had in the series.
I only have one copy of games like outbreak and orc. The main line is where I've splurged.
I lived in Japan for half a year last year and in that time I purchased all the main games for their respective system. There was a cool bio hazard collectors box that included 1-3 on ps1 and 4 and CV on a dl code. It's a really cool set. Then I got 0 for the Japanese gcn. 5 and 6 I ps3 and pc copies of. Both English and Japanese.
So my duplicates are mainly the biohazard versions.
As far as I'm aware the biohazard games are completely English spoken with japanese text. If you get them on the older systems they'll play that way. If purchased on 360/ps3 and on they'll play in whatever your default operating system language is set to.
I knew about the Delorean but I never noticed the picture. That's awesome!