Re: Resident Evil Remake Remastered
I've somewhat fallen out of love with console gaming in recent years but this port of one of my all time favourite games is more than enough to pull me back in. I even bought those 3 nifty little Gaya Resident Evil Remake statues last year (& their G William statue). & ever since I bought those
I've been meaning to dust off my old Gamecube & slink back into the horribly wonderful world of the Resident Evil Remake. Now early next year I'll have the perfect reason to.
Firstly folks - apologies if this is going on a tangent, but I need to vent my newly regained enthusiasm for gaming somewhere.
Just replying to Matt there though, since getting back into it all myself, I've been checking out the history of console gaming in general - & some database type sites specifically. I love the idea of folks not only keeping an up to date record of what has come before, but also that there are console / game collectors out there - love that.
..which leads me to my next point (the part of Matt's post in bold) - sourcing an older quality console that has legendary status to this day, like the Nintendo
Game Cube. I've owned other systems over the years here & there (old 'pong' style' ones, C=64, Sega Megadrive, PS1) but it seems that Nintendo was really the one crucial piece of the action that I regrettably missed out on experiencing - apart from an old
Game&Watch handheld I owned as a kid. I have of course played friends' machines here & there.
That said, it seems the N64 - while a great system with some stand out games, became kind of redundant not long thereafter, because of the heavy focus on younger gamers & not moving to discs, while the competition eclipsed them by that stage.
I'd love to get up to speed with the SNES & Game Cube - & possibly get one of those eventually.. that'd be cool.