Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles for Wii (RE:UC2)

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Super Freak
Jan 14, 2008
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I don't know how this fits in with Capcom's upcoming announcements on Friday and all the Code:Veronica Wii-make hullabaloo, but here's a new on-rails shooter taking place within the Resident Evil 2 time line. Ostensibly this is Umbrella Chronicles 2 for all we know:

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles


The latest issue of Japanese game magazine Famitsu announces a new Resident Evil (AKA Biohazard in Japan) game for the Nintendo called Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles.

The Wii light gun game is a continuation of Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles and set in the world of Resident Evil 2. Resident Evil 2 is set in fall 1998 as the resident of Racoon City are infected with the T-virus and turned into zombies. The game's release date and price have not yet been announced.

Railer shooter The Umbrella Chronicles was released in November 2007 and sold over a million copies worldwide.
^^^^in balls man, I wanted this to be on the ps3 as well since re2 was my favorite game.
Capcom not remaking things for the PS3 is fine by me, since they don't seem to believe in 1080p.:rolleyes:

Capcom believes in money, and right now the money is to be found on Xbox 360 and Wii. The market penetration of the PS3 just isn't high enough for them to spend precious resources (especially in times like these) to make a platform exclusive game solely for Sony's console.

I do agree with you. A remake of anything RE or an original title for PS3 (and potential port for 360) would certainly be more exciting than Code Veronica on Wii or Umbrella Chronicles 2. Doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to Darkside Chronicles, I'm sure it'll be fun.
the 360 supports 1080p as well, it's just a pet peeve of mine when games don't support 1080p...and Capcom not embracing full HD irks me more.
Capcom believes in money, and right now the money is to be found on Xbox 360 and Wii. The market penetration of the PS3 just isn't high enough for them to spend precious resources (especially in times like these) to make a platform exclusive game solely for Sony's console.

I do agree with you. A remake of anything RE or an original title for PS3 (and potential port for 360) would certainly be more exciting than Code Veronica on Wii or Umbrella Chronicles 2. Doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to Darkside Chronicles, I'm sure it'll be fun.

Well I mean for the PS3 and the 360 in general. Just the wii doesn't do any justice with the graphics. Getting RE2 on the PS3 and 360, like we got REmake for Gamecube would be amazing.
Debut trailer:

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I'm glad this is coming out. It looks awesome. The first one is great. These games just couldn't work on the 360 and PS3. As far as I know those consoles don't support lightgun ability do they? Lightguns sure don't work on my LCD TV and that is why I think these games can only be on the Wii. Because of the sensor bar.
I enjoyed Umbrella Chronicles a lot. Being able to play through the events of 2 and CV in this format will be a lot of fun. I wonder what kind of new scenarios they will cook up in this.

I wonder if the CV sections will be Claire and Chris or Claire and Steve? The less Steve we see the better. What an irritating character.
Gimmi a RE2 remake please.

I would have to guess that since they did not do a remake of RE2 or any other ones for that matter soon after the first that we can pretty much accept that they aren't going to do it ever.

The remake of RE1 came out in 2002 and I would have to think that if they were EVER going to do one of the others that they would have soon after the first one to capitalize on it.
I would have to guess that since they did not do a remake of RE2 or any other ones for that matter soon after the first that we can pretty much accept that they aren't going to do it ever.

The remake of RE1 came out in 2002 and I would have to think that if they were EVER going to do one of the others that they would have soon after the first one to capitalize on it.

As much as I hope you're wrong, you may be right. I think at least for the moment RE: DC is the closest we're gonna get to a remake of RE2.
Me too. I'd love a remake of 2 and 3 with the graphics of the first but at this late in the game, I doubt they will ever come. It didn't make much sense to not do it right after the first one was released so I don't think they will come since it's been so long.
Man I rececntly played through that RE1 Gamecube remake and forgot how completely AWESOME it was. They should definitely remake the other sequels. I wish Hollywood would stop remaking movies but the video game industry would START remaking a ton of old awesome games.

Any thoughts on what old games would be great to see updated??
That looks MUCH better than UC! I just hope they fix the sensitivity and accuracy of the controls. I had some trouble aiming properly in UC, especially on the sides and corners of the screen.

Anyone know if it's using Wii MotionPlus?
Yeah! I'm really anticipating this game. I had more fun playing the first Umbrella Chronicles with a friend than in RE5, strangely enough.

As for potential HT product, I'd rather they not attempt the RE monsters. NECA did a good job with the smaller scale RE monsters and I've been wishing for them to make 1/6 scale versions. It'd be much cheaper than the higher end treatment, the prices of which I couldn't justify spending for monsters. Maybe a Birkin or a Tyrant....