ReVenture Studios said:ReVenture Studios
1 h ·
With almost 30 years of combined experience, Todd Johnson and Dave Igo have joined forces to create ReVenture Studios, a new NEW company focusing, to start, on high-end collectibles!
Todd Johnson, CEO, is the owner and founder of Speculative Fiction, an online retail store and distributor offering thousands of various high-end collectibles all around the world for the last +11 years. Todd also really likes cyberpunk’y things, lots of live music, and rockin a killer Ramona cosplay!
Dave Igo, CCO, has 18 years experience combined as Creative Director, Manager and Designer at Gentle Giant Studios, Sideshow Collectibles, and Tweeterhead, where he is still working closely with the company on their Masters of the Universe and Myths & Monsters lines. Dave is an 80’s kid, a product of the crazy and bizarre, and is actually colorblind and thought the color of coke, the liquid, was red up until recently.
Todd and Dave, both collectors themselves, decided that they were the yin to each other’s yangs, they complete each other (less Jerry Macguire and more like an awesome 2-Cat Voltron or a really fine boxed red wine and pizza) and they should do something together, so ReVenture studios was reborn!
“You couldn't ask for a better team-up dynamic duo!” says someone, probably, somewhere, and Todd and Dave agree!
So if you’re thinking out loud “This sounds awesome!” you are probably really smart and very good looking, so stay tuned for more! If you laugh and think “HA! ANOTHER STATUE COMPANY!?!?! PFFFFFFTTTTTTT!!!!!” then you will probably want to stay tuned anyways because that’s just what trolls do!
We are not here to reinvent the game, or make all the products ever, we just want to make awesome stuff in a really fun and unique way for collectors to experience around the world.
- Todd and Dave

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