Mattman, great shots! Definitely the best so far, and it's nice to see shots that weren't taken by Sideshow that actually look good!
With those shots you took, so long as the price is reasonable (which I HIGHLY doubt

) then I'm likely on board with her. As others have mentioned, here's hoping that production can nail it as well, as it's so easy to lose things during the painting process. The prototype is a professional that spends loads of time on just the one piece, so it's happened time and time again where production pieces lose a bit of the look...that's risky here, as it's an actress with zero helmet or mask covering her's all out there. Easy to go from a solid Daisy sculpt to a Rey cosplayer due to paints/production.
Again, that's just experience and fear coming from how much I know this'll cost.

It's the same with every PF thread because you really never know if it'll be a hit or a miss until you open the box more often than not. I'm hoping they're able to nail it. The 1/5th Kenobi Mythos is one of the best likenesses they've ever done! I actually would've been fine with this being 1/5th also, but I know that's like blasphemy around these parts for some reason.
In short: great shots really captured her perfectly from all angles and showed the true distortion in earlier shots. Really looking forward to this piece going up for order now...I'm just hoping it's no more than $650 with BB-8, but I fear $699.99 with him, which would be getting insane. Oh, and I noticed that earlier also Centurion, about the arm wraps...I'm guessing they didn't want them sliding down? Or something made it easier to go this route? But yeah, it definitely leaves more chance of paint from the wraps ending up on the arm or vice versa if they're not careful.
Fingers crossed all around.