Is it okay to post non-Rick Grimes Walking Dead customs here? I didn't want to start a new thread just for one figure so I thought this would be the best place.
That aside, here's my comic Andrea custom! This actually took a while to make. I had the idea for a while, but I couldn't find a suitable headsculpt or the tank top. I finally found both in April and it all started to come together, but the seamless body I bought ended up being crap and the headsculpt had brown hair even though the listing showed blonde so I was pretty discouraged and it just sat there unfinished. Today I got the urge to finish it and I upgraded the body to the AOU Scarlet Witch (with FO Stormtrooper elbow padding to cover up the joints) and did the work for the head. I was too lazy to get paint for the hair so I ended up using a gold sharpie which isn't exactly accurate but I actually like the look. I don't know if I'm quite finished as I may dye or paint the jacket to be blue and different from the jeans and I've been looking for a good poncho and hat for her New Beginning look. So here it is!