Tears of joy?Todd Macfarlane would cry if you say his work is par with Liefeld
I always assumed his small hands and barely there feet, oddly proportioned females were just his style, I guess most would say it is horrible, but there are plenty of artists work I dislike more.
CBG is going to love this!
I actually thought he bumped this thread lol
Agree not great art but priceless memories...I remember very well...still remember buying new mutants 98 for cover price, loved deadpool so much I bought another 3, unfortunately sold before the bubble now looking again and it's $75+, just went to a con and the lowest I saw there was $225
The only art I can think of that I despise more might be abstract art deco...and maybe *******. But Liefeld's work is nails on chalk board to me. It's only purpose to show just how much better the rest of the art in the comics medium is for the most part.
Who would be your top three most despised?
Jrjr...never liked his style and didn't understand his popularity...probably because son of an amazing artist.
I have been out of comics for awhile but when I was I knew a lot of the names and some were really bad and couldn't believe they got work
i guess I have a soft spot for Leifelds work, i grew up with it loved new mutants, xforce and Youngblood, I didn't see his work as mis proportioned I saw it as entertaining, and he made some very memorable covers, I could care less how he pissed off some fans and they now teamed up and have a vendetta against him and blasting him everywhere, just like actors I don't care what they do in their personal life, if the movie/tv show is good I just don't care....
I always assumed his small hands and barely there feet, oddly proportioned females were just his style, I guess most would say it is horrible, but there are plenty of artists work I dislike more.
I own this post card for 15 years and I still love the art on it, it's so much better than today's real life art in comics in my opinion.