I cant find one single aspect of these new designed Predators
that I like.
Bio Mask's sux.
Body armor sux
Face really really sux.
I pray to Godthe movie doesn't suck but from what I've
seen so far there's a damn good chance it will.
Well, I can't say much else other than to point out that's your problem.
And why would the movie suck? We've all been pretty psyched for this film until these new pics came. All of a sudden, based on some designs, we think the movie itself will be bad? How exactly is this a fair judgement? The whole "creature > movie" argument is exactly what killed AVP-R.
I honestly believe that because the first two Alien/Pred-related movies this century didn't meet some of your guys' standards, a select few of you have become unpleasable to the point where anything but the original won't cut it. Some will hate new designs, others will love them. The way I see it, RR at least kept his promise -- this certainly is different. And there's no reason to overthink that word at this point. For now, different is simply different.
That's just me, and I'm not accusing anyone of anything. But we really should see the movie first, before complaining about everything including the film as a whole (which, once again, is a pretty nutty thing to do anyway).
So copying the first film "warrants our attention"!?
It got you pissed off, didn't it

And there's nothing copied, except for bringing back the P1 look. And those who are complaining about how this film is a replica of the first (which it clearly isn't) are the same people who complained about P2 and AVP-R not being set in the jungle (or being enough like P1). So be a little happy and accept that at least one wish has been granted, or if not, wait until the final thing comes out before insulting every aspect of it, including the stuff we haven't even really seen.
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