Just been thinking about this movie again after seeing it yesterday.
I mentioned I thought it was average and I still think that really. I did enjoy it and hope to see a sequel since I thought it blew avp and avp-r away but there was just to many things that bothered me in there.
It seemed every five minutes something was copying the original and I don't mean in a way they couldn't have avoided. A few tributes here and there ok but there seemed to be a ton of them from the way they shot certain parts to just blatant rip offs.
The special effects , they looked cheap to me. The cloaked effect looked better in the first movie and it's 23 years older and could have been improved upon I would think.
The special effects on the dogs were bad too I thought , funnily enough the one thing that looked the best to me was that huge alien that chased the doc and was shot and that was only there for a few seconds.
I did like Mr Black but not really the other two , it sounds stupid but to me it seemed they had no personality , they just tried to look cool. The original avp was the same imo although in avp-r I think they managed to give wolf some character despite it being the worst movie out of them all for me.
Didn't like the Falcon or the dogs , just seemed like they were cheating using them compared to the original predators imo.

I know they're supposed to be " super predators " so maybe they're allowed to do that but to me it just seemed cheap.
A few other things irritated me but not enough to make a big list out of. I will say I don't think Brody was miscast , I think he did a good job.
I need to see this again now I know what to expect.