Super Freak
Re: Robert Rodriguez's PREDATORS Movie Thread
Yes, i agree.. no need to spoil for everyone who does not want to read the script..
Yes, i agree.. no need to spoil for everyone who does not want to read the script..
I've read the script and I think it's quite good actually.
Some parts of it are pretty cheesy, but I like the characters and the story.
I know some (if not most) fans will have a problem with these genetically enhanced "Super Predators" and the fact that they will be mutated and bleed black blood. I'm okay with it though, as long as the whole race don't turn out like that. This is just a small group of... well, special Predators.
I would rate it 8 out of 10.
Well those 3 super black predators should probably be an experiment gone wrong by some scientist preds or something.
then they probably are dumped on that jungle planet.
But i've read the script.
theI don't know if i have to find this cool or bad.. i guess bad i mean.. Predator is my favourite movie.. Well what i would find coolalternate ending of predators...
Dutch 'arnold' as a leader of a small predator ship??
i can only say.. What the ?????if he comes with the predator 2 spaceship and that team of predators thought
Rodriguez already spoiled it for all of us by coming up with this piece of ???? script. What? Predators aren't badass enough? We need super black Preds? Gay!
And I had heard about the Arnold ending, and that is also GAY!
"You killed all my friends and war buddies, and then I killed you. I think I'll join up with your race now and command a ship." Der....
As an Alien fan...I can't wait for this one.
It's about time they fooked up the Preds like they have the Alien in the last few movies.
I remeber when I was a kid i read a Predator comic that totally blew my mind. I don't remember the title, but i vividly recall the plot. It starred 2 Predators ... a Evil Predator and a Good/Policeman Predator.
sounds like Bad Blood.... I no longer own the comic,it was destroyed by my younger brother (kid was a terror)...if anyone recalls this story, please shoot me some details.
because that's a terrible idea.Why can't they make the movie just involving Predators or with very little human interaction???
Why can't they make the movie just involving Predators or with very little human interaction???
Because then you'd have to have them having dialogue and speaking English and other languages, or subtitles. The humans are in these stories to give viewers something to follow along, it's a plot device, what makes the recent entries into the Alien and Predator fanchises weak is that the people are treated as just that and aren't developed into anyone you care about. Ripley and the marines were written so you'd care about what happens to them, Dutch and his men were done so you'd care about them. What weakens the sequels is that from A3 and P2 through to AVPR, the humans are presented less and less like someone worth caring about and the less you give a damn about the people who occupy 80% of the screen time, the worse the movie's going to feel. You watch the AVP's and you don't root for anyone, you just wait for everyone to get killed and see more action, but the action and death scenes are such small elements to the overall film.
Sounds like T2, with the "policeman" swapped.
sounds like Bad Blood.
because that's a terrible idea.