Statue Rogue Maquette

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I thought maguette was to label movie related statue. Not anymore

I'm calling a spade a spade and this and magneto are just expensive PFs. As has been said, the term maquette is used fluidly, like how the term premium format often used to mean mixed media

At current rates the Rogue is going to end up costing you about $1,300 AUD. But by the time it ships it'll probably be $1,350 AUD.

Depending of shipping and import taxes that's prob not far off how much it'll cost me too

Decided to pass on this. Looks to much like Angelina Jolie in Rogue cosplay.

Lol you have a point there! Am hoping they soften the face/make her look a bit younger in production. The most important thing is that they have figured out a way to stop it leaning.

Looking at the photos again, I reckon it's possible that she connects to the base halfway down the mechanical arm (Where the copper part is) and if so, this should be very sturdy. Just two main pieces - the base, and her body including the buzz saw
Gonna pass on this beautiful statue. Can't see dropping that much $ on this piece.
Gonna pass on this beautiful statue. Can't see dropping that much $ on this piece.

Nobody's gonna blame you for making that decision, tbf it's still a bit of a gamble that ss will deliver in terms of paint and engineering
I really think this is beautiful but I just can't buy it without knowing more about the build and materials first. Ideally I'd like to see it in hand and maybe a smashed return (blasphemy I'm sorry) first.

Excited for everyone jumping in though, it is impressive.
I really think this is beautiful but I just can't buy it without knowing more about the build and materials first. Ideally I'd like to see it in hand and maybe a smashed return (blasphemy I'm sorry) first.

Excited for everyone jumping in though, it is impressive.

Very wise, I am not that wise :lol I just saw it and had to order
I guess this means Gambit will also be a maquette, and probably $750 or so. Hopefully they will look great together. I do think Sideshow is doing a bang-up job with most of these new pieces. I'm not crazy about Mystique, and willlikely get the XM instead, but they finally have a great looking Emma and X23. I'm guessing there are several male mutants in the works beyond Gambit, Cable and Juggernaut -- would be cool to see characters like Colossus, Nightcrawler, Bishop, Iceman, and Archangel. Now that the FF film license is heading back to Marvel I really hope we finally get the Fantastic Four, as well as a new Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom, and a Super Skrull.
I guess this means Gambit will also be a maquette, and probably $750 or so. Hopefully they will look great together. I do think Sideshow is doing a bang-up job with most of these new pieces. I'm not crazy about Mystique, and willlikely get the XM instead, but they finally have a great looking Emma and X23. I'm guessing there are several male mutants in the works beyond Gambit, Cable and Juggernaut -- would be cool to see characters like Colossus, Nightcrawler, Bishop, Iceman, and Archangel. Now that the FF film license is heading back to Marvel I really hope we finally get the Fantastic Four, as well as a new Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom, and a Super Skrull.

But I wonder if they're going to wait until the deal is completely finalised in about a years time, before they even start designs on them?
Those days $500 is long gone mate

I don't know what's worse:

Having collected when prices were in the $200-300 per PF and being shocked that it's now $500-700 and not being able to stomach paying those prices or

Having just started collecting now and buying $500-700 pieces with no hesitation because that's the norm right now...
I don't know what's worse:

Having collected when prices were in the $200-300 per PF and being shocked that it's now $500-700 and not being able to stomach paying those prices or

Having just started collecting now and buying $500-700 pieces with no hesitation because that's the norm right now...
My first PF was power girl at 399. My 2nd PF spidey 479. Those were the times that the EX were also the same price lol. I'm just preparing myself for a 600+ cable, gambit and cyclopse (to pair with wolvie)

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I don't know what's worse:

Having collected when prices were in the $200-300 per PF and being shocked that it's now $500-700 and not being able to stomach paying those prices or

Having just started collecting now and buying $500-700 pieces with no hesitation because that's the norm right now...

OG Hulk was $325 :lol
I hate saying this but for some characters price never really matters to me. Rogue is one of them.
This is one of the sideshowified pieces (along with the new Wolvie PF) that I think turned out great. IMO, this MAQ is far better than the OG PF. The price tag makes it a pass for me. I'd rather spend the money on Cable. Otherwise, I really think this MAQ turned out fantastic.

Mark 4:50, Andy from SSC defines what makes a Maquette.

Makes sense considering what items have been labeled maquettes in the past (across various licenses) to current offerings.

Mark 4:50, Andy from SSC defines what makes a Maquette.

Makes sense considering what items have been labeled maquettes in the past (across various licenses) to current offerings.

And do you think he knows better than Sideshow's Dave Igo?

And given that Dave Igo himself has no concrete answer on what makes a 'Sideshow Maquette' as proven by the recent live show, I think we all should just accept the fluid nature of the term....unfortunately.
One 's a designer and the other is marketing, they're both sideshow...I'm not picking sides. Based on what he stated and what I've purchased past to present from different licenses labelled as maquettes, it makes sense to me.
Concerns over prices are pretty valid when your consider the average inflation rate in the United States at least over the past ten years is around 15% and statues have at least doubled in price over that time. You would think economy of scale would play a little part here in bringing the price down some since ES of these statues has gotten pretty large. Sideshow is a privately held company, they are obviously making money hand over fist if they don’t need to raise money through stock sales.

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