I do think that the so called battle damage could have been better. The front is okay, but the back of the body looks sloppy and lazily done.
The other silver paint on the hands and joints isn't that great either. But I'll just make myself believe it's the wear that occurs as the hinges and joints move. Though I don't mind the elbow and knee joints that use a black wash if some sort.
I think I saw this on someone's uploaded video to YouTube, where the left foot wouldn't lay completely flush with the base.
Unfortunately I'm having this issue as well. However the tightness of the slot appears to be caused by the additional thick material tape (almost like farbric band aids) that has been stuck to it.
I decided to remove half of the tape, and I was able to get the foot almost completely flush (didn't take a photo), but the figure had an amount of give that I was uncomfortable with.
So I put a bit of the tape back, and got it closer, but the gap is still quite obvious.
I dislike that tape has been used to tighten the fit. I wonder if this was in their original production plans or it was just done as an easy 'fix' at the end of production at the factory.