as of today anything under 150 is a good deal for trunks and, under 130 for gohan. 2 years a go i bought 1 gohan on amazon for 33$ but didnt know much about adcc then bought a second one for 50$
Sweet, thanks for responding! I definitely want to get Frieza and Perfect Cell so I think I'll order theml either on Amazon or try and find a decent price on eBay.
No problem I definitely recommend Frieza, can't say the same for Cell yet, he looks great but I haven't got mine yet. I shelled out $90 just this Monday for him so I hope he arrives soon, but it definitely would be smart to order him as soon as possible too along with any other that is rising in price. Good luck though, hope you enjoy them!
I've heard great things about Perfect Cell. The poses are insane. Yeah, I'm trying to go back now and pick the top three that I'm interested in the most and what will be the most as time goes by and I've picked Frieza, Perfect Cell, and Super Saiyan Gohan. The latter two are from my favorite Dragonball Z moment(s) and I'd love to put together the final scene with one-armed Gohan and Goku against Perfect Cell. That would be awesome to have in the glass case.
Do you have any at all yet? It might be smart to pick up Piccolo and Goku right now since they were just rereleased if you don't have them but gohan vs Cell was exactly what I was planning
I just got Goku, Super Saiyan Goku, and Piccolo yesterday from Amazon, which are so beautiful and made me break down and want to order back figures, and I ordered the bootleg Super Saiyan Vegeta, with the Trunks head I believe, earlier in the week. Then I pre-ordered Broly.
I have to admit the Broly Trilogy was good, the first one being the best, second being ok but the third sounds like a total let down from what I've read and th ebits I've seen. Broly deserved far better than that.
But now I need to start making space for that Blood and I can get Nappa
Saiyan/namek/OG goku, nappa, tien and a tall long haired trunks. Just give me those four and I'm completely content.
Doesn't almost everyone want those? Would be so bad if those plus broly would be next year's?
then they can *** to buu chars for as long as they want.
But I need another trunks, a proper goku and complete it with tien and nappa.
What is OG Goku? I'm satisfied with the re-release Goku. I think the only other "attachment" I would want is a Goku head with the halo.