S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Im joking man! While I would rather they make other more important characters, I would no longer hold it against them if they made him. Still wouldnt buy him though!

I have reconsidered my opinions on Tien though; I would buy him as long as its his green sash outfit from the android saga.
Well you're entitled to your opinion; it's not my fault it's wrong lol
Even if it is justifiable that Yamcha is not that important, Tien is a fairly major character. He has a big impact on the story of Dragon Ball, and major character development equal to Vegeta's. He had his own arc! I know this is a Dragon Ball Z line, but I still think he's relevant and important then. The Z Fighters just wouldn't be complete without him.

If he gets his Figuarts, they ought to make it with a removeable green sash, so you can have both android and saiyan saga displayable. Then they should do the same thing for Yamcha's hair! Just give him android saga symbols, and if the back symbol is incorrect for saiyan saga, then his mega-mullet will cover it up.
I'd kinda also love a battle damaged namek goku with both a normal head with the faces ommited from the current release, plus a ssj head that indirectly gives everyone a shaded ssj goku head.

Wouldn't that kinda be the best thing ever? maybe that should be a choice on the poll.
Yopu could buy two and have everything. All the faces, shaded hair for everyone, both gokus both battle damaged and non battle damaged. They'd give us SO much with that.
They do have a great range of motion. I love how you had them when he was doing the kamehameha.
Thanks :) I really enjoy setting up a good pose.

I just found it weird how his color changed from orange to blue and white in the anime. Is there an official explanation for this?

Oh well, once I've got my funds properly secured, I'll go buy a Normal Vegeta (Datong is arriving soon, whee) :)
Yes, Toriyama (the writer of the manga) hadn't gotten that far yet in his manga, he gave Toei animation the design but he hadn't color the art yet. The TV show was ahead of the comic, and they had to put Vegeta in, meaning the studio had to come up with their own color scheme. They later corrected him when Toriyama finally sent them the color artwork for Vegeta.

If you notice, this alternate color looks a lot like vegetables. I imagine the studio thought "well his name IS Vegetable, lets color him like vegetables" and that's why he looked like this :/
by the way if it wasn't for Yajirobe then Vegeta would've killed Goku & destroyed earth thus ending all of DBZ :lecture


mad respect bruh
^ nice setup!
Awesome set up! It's really nice. Love how Goku and Vegeta are fighting. Frieza enjoying it like a Caesar is pretty funny. Love the stances the ones on the bottom are, too, especially Piccolo going WTF and Goku doing a hell yeah fist.

@BaneofDemon & RdRdGhD excellent displays fellas. Truly AWESOME poses you guys got, I strongly encourage those. Enough with the "i think im gonna just pose all my Figuarts standing perfectly still with arms crossed or arms at their sides staring at blankness cuz i lack creativity" mentality. GTFO here with those boring displays, seriously. I LOVE creative displays with each character in unique poses that I've been seeing here more often. Sorry if I offend anyone, but come on guys, these aren't statues. They're ARTICULATED for a reason :cuckoo:

The photos of displays I've been seeing here lately have inspired me to switch up my own! Hard to decide which poses to put them in tho, but that's what makes it fun! :lol

Thanks a lot guys! That's exactly what I was going for Angelo!

There's been so many awesome collections here! Great set ups, everyone!
Wait, the show was ahead of the manga? What? How did Toriyama catch up?

It's a bunch of filler that Toriyama didn't write. That's why everything is drawn out for so long and there's a lot of inconsistencies in the anime, because Toriyama was still writing. Stuff like Bulma switching bodies with a frog, Yamcha, and Ten fighting a fake Ginyu Force, Fake Namek, Garlic Junior, Other World Tournament, almost all Saiyaman stuff, etc.

If we get Majin Vegeta, I hope we get this face...


I always liked that face, I don't know why. It's different.

Yeah, man! That would be fantastic!
It's a bunch of filler that Toriyama didn't write. That's why everything is drawn out for so long and there's a lot of inconsistencies in the anime, because Toriyama was still writing. Stuff like Bulma switching bodies with a frog, Yamcha, and Ten fighting a fake Ginyu Force, Fake Namek, Saiyaman stuff (It's just a few pages in the manga), etc.
The weird thing is Kai left that in, and DB Kai was generally 'selective' with its filler. Some was cut out, some wasn't :cuckoo:
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The weird thing is Kai left that in, and DB Kai was generally 'selective' with its filler. Some was cut out, some wasn't :cuckoo
It could be because Bulma was animated to interact with the fight on Namek, so it would have been weirdly inconsistent to edit out the Ginyu controlled bulma for pacing issues
Oh they left tons of filler in KAI, but it's like Trengence said about it creating strange inconsistencies. It would have been better if they just started from scratch, and recreated it from the ground up, following the manga, in my opinion. I'd buy that in a heart beat. Aren't they doing that with Sailor Moon? At least that's what I read, about them reanimating it, being that the story was completed, they don't have to worry about filler.
Yeah Sailor Moon Crystal is done up from scratch, new voice actors outside of Sailor Moon herself, new designs, almost all filler cut out.
AWESOME! Thanks! Do you have some pictures of the ones that you have? The ones on his site are insane, I love the rapid fire.

Sorry for the late reply, I've been out all day and cant believe how fast this thread is. I've got the rapid fire, destructo disk, sword slash and 2 versions of the special beam cannon. They are awesome to look at and well made, my lousy photography skills don't do them justice!


Thanks :) I really enjoy setting up a good pose.

Yes, Toriyama (the writer of the manga) hadn't gotten that far yet in his manga, he gave Toei animation the design but he hadn't color the art yet. The TV show was ahead of the comic, and they had to put Vegeta in, meaning the studio had to come up with their own color scheme. They later corrected him when Toriyama finally sent them the color artwork for Vegeta.

If you notice, this alternate color looks a lot like vegetables. I imagine the studio thought "well his name IS Vegetable, lets color him like vegetables" and that's why he looked like this :/

Is Vegeta a vegetable, or is he a seasoning?
