Super Freak
the yellow matches almost exactly.

No worries. I definitely think we should get a petition or something going for a Super Saiyan Goku smiling face. Even if they include it with Majin Vegeta...which we should also get a petition for, ha.
Wolvie asked and Toei apparently didn't want it included for some reason.
I know, that's what upsets me the most. That's why I said we should start a petition or something and let them know that there's collector outrage. Not that there's a guarantee on them caring but least it would be out there.
I suppose you could ask on their Twitter or Facebook unless there's a possible SS2 Goku release with SS Goku happy face similar to 18's extra Krillin head.
I know, that's what upsets me the most. That's why I said we should start a petition or something and let them know that there's collector outrage. Not that there's a guarantee on them caring but least it would be out there.
It didn't work for a SSJ Vegeta re-paint, so I don't think we'd have much luck. I'd say SSJ2 Goku is our best hope.
They don't seem to answer their Facebook comments. What's their twitter?
Wouldn't the Super Saiyan 2 Goku happy face be compatible with the Super Saiyan Goku?