Odowan has the **** down. Thing is two points:
tamashii seems to be structured in a certain way a company concerning guidelines to releases and being currently, cause of the unforseen succes of this line INTERNATIONALLY, in debate as to whether truly (be able to) bend or forgo said guidelines. This persoective is based on interviews.
They also have said this year that they want to keep releases per license within a degree of proximity toward each concerning number and speed of releases.
These two company policy guidelines seem to, well frankly put, **** the bejezus out of every party concerned bar bootleg manufacturers, because it's simple: tamashii's japanese and in japan they're not aware (it seems) just how big of a fanbase DBZ has outside japan. Their not stupid ftr, but their company policy isn't truly equipped for the mass market appeal of the DBZ license, which entails a MASSIVE ARRAY of characters and versions, and isn't relatively small group of releases they can start and finish within a few years. Even bluefin's added distribution power can't ever get to mastertoyline mass prouced releases a la hasbro. This was literally said so by a bluefin rep at toyfair 2014. We'll never get quantities akin to hasbro lines. But the license itself DOES have that market deman once more people become aware of the line. And THAT is where the problem is.
So basically, because the domestic appeal let this line down, they're now trying to catch up with un unforseen freightrain that's steamrolling through their business with export recources, which in fairness to a japanese company targetting japanese franchises, tends to put domestic demand on top priority.
But the biggest problem seems to be tht tamashii as a company isn't aiming to handle a license with a potential market demand this high.
And that's why we having massive aftermarket price increases, because the supply-demand is out of bslance and will only get worse so long as tamashii tries to fit this line within their conventionl approach to production per license.
They're gonna have to adapt, or their basically gonna miss out on a **** ton of money not answering growing market demand. And that, to me, is basic idiocy commercially speaking.