Remember, the whole "hero/nemesis" pairing concept in media is uniquely western in its appeal, rarely does Japanese anime and manga use this trope in story telling (Cloud and Sephiroth are the only ones that come to mind. Oh, Ryu and Gouki too) Japan mainly deal with rivalry tropes (Goku Vegeta, Ryu Ken, any two hero characters from every other anime I've ever seen) Villains aren't as much characters, as they are objects to challenge the protagonists. (hence why they see villains as barely noteworthy, and hardly candidates for figures)Still, Vegetto seems like a very odd decision to me. At least, at this early point in time. What's the point in having him now, especially when he has no companion figure? So far, each hero figure, except for SS3 Goku, has at least one villain to display opposite them
Japan mainly deal with rivalry tropes (Goku Vegeta, Ryu Ken, any two hero characters from every other anime I've ever seen))
Spike & Vicious, Cowboy Bebop?
Ftr when I say companion, I mean anyone in the correct time period costume that shared screen time...
Saiyan saga Vegeta to me has no current accompanying release...
Hmm, those earrings on Vegetto seem a little too easy to break tbh.
Majin Vegeta + ssj2 goku hairpiece. No non-m faces.
Kid Buu
Manga Gohan rerelease
SDCC Ex ssj3 goku?
^ I'm expecting this.
Anyone know the scale or size of the FZ EX SS3 Goku?
I hope it's 1/8 so I can actually put him up with these guys.I believe I kept on reading 9" everywhere but I could be wrong.