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but what makes you think that vegetto will be the next release? for all we know he could still be year away and other figures could come out before him.
kid buu could be really close. he's been hinted at a few times
Me am agree with Sil & Addict about "companion releases." we should've def had Nappa to go with Vegeta, would've been a brilliant move on Tamashii's part. Now if they ever do release him, Scouter Vegeta would be so hard to find at a reasonable price (for the casuals, that is. It'll be great for us, since 95% of us already own Scouter Vegeta). Whenever Majin Buu is released, some people won't have SS3 Goku to pair him up with. The release of certain characters is all over the place. But hey, they call the shots & we're just the consumers. Just gotta deal with it guys :dunno

Only solution is that those few that want said character that's out-of-print, you just gotta save the cash & pay a scalper price, otherwise just look at all of our displays with envy instead or wait for the unlikelihood of Tamashii reissuing said desired character. It sucks, but this is the world we live in
The problem is that nappa as a companion still isn't as popular as broly alone.

I do agree with Sup here, but Vegito or however the **** you wanna spell his name, is equally, like broly, a fan favorite.

They're isolated releases that will sell well isolated. But true, Big D is technically correc t, though has no historic validation. We've never seen something teased throughout different improvements and not have it as the next release. They've always been chronological parallels thusfar.
I know it's not important, but since we got the removable gun due to fan demand, why can't we get these additional arms packaged with 16's release?

Still, Vegetto seems like a very odd decision to me. At least, at this early point in time. What's the point in having him now, especially when he has no companion figure? So far, each hero figure, except for SS3 Goku, has at least one villain to display opposite them
Remember, the whole "hero/nemesis" pairing concept in media is uniquely western in its appeal, rarely does Japanese anime and manga use this trope in story telling (Cloud and Sephiroth are the only ones that come to mind. Oh, Ryu and Gouki too) Japan mainly deal with rivalry tropes (Goku Vegeta, Ryu Ken, any two hero characters from every other anime I've ever seen) Villains aren't as much characters, as they are objects to challenge the protagonists. (hence why they see villains as barely noteworthy, and hardly candidates for figures)

To the Japanese audience, Frieza isn't Goku's nemesis, but instead is simply a temporary obstacle to overcome. Cell, he's only an event in Gohan's life.

That said, they aren't going to think about releasing hero's and their relevant villain together, just producing villains is already mind bending enough for them :lol

I think this just goes back to communication, many of us don't just want the villain, we want to display conflicts with a hero. Tamashii learned that Americans want bad guys, but I don't think the "why" was communicated (i.e. Hero/Nemesis pairings for displays)
Ftr when I say companion, I mean anyone in the correct time period costume that shared screen time...

Saiyan saga Vegeta to me has no current accompanying release...
hah! the last pic makes SS3 goku come to life, walking around at nycc :lol

ok and screw my previous post if tag hobby is right
Majin Vegeta + ssj2 goku hairpiece. No non-m faces.
Kid Buu

Manga Gohan rerelease
SDCC Ex ssj3 goku?

^ I'm expecting this.

According to Cybergundam Vegito release date April and price 4104 Yen:


September/October = Android 17

November/December - Early January = Broly

February/March = Android 16

April/May = Vegito

Is it me or are all of these strangely close to one another? Not complaining at all but is Tamashii possibly releasing more frequently or is there to be an expected long period of time after that?

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