Super Freak
What I don't uderstand is that white-eyes krillin isn't just the same orange....
So, wasn't there someone on this board who said they'd get reall mad if Tamashii was gonna do a simply headswap on Goku and release it as ultimate gohan?
Or was that me? I don't remember, cause I wanted U Gohan... But I remember someone being mad, and that's usually me...
No dear god three different orange gi's!? The colour difference between krillin and goku is already clashing enough. Everything should be the same colour ffs.
I don't get why they have a difference between krillin and goku, it's so weird. I dislike putting them together.
Just checked Ebay and I guess I missed the train for Datong SSJ Vegeta?
Still groggy from the coma that Tamashii put me in. I didn't know about Datong scouter Vegeta either. I guess I need to check this thread more often.
Yeah I'm sure you're right. Still makes me grind my teeth though. I'm impatient!
Would be great if they managed to sneak in one more before SDCC. It will indeed be interesting to see what they do.
oh and at SDCC we'll see nappa and he'll be the first figure to release in 2016![]()
@Blood yeah I'd say 2015 is
feb/ma 16
april/may vegito
august Buuhan (-tenks)
October U Gohan
Dec SSJ 4 Goku
Now we should do a simple poll how many people are okay with this because... everyone can say 'be happy it's exciting bla bla' but I think the majority wanted something different...
yass those wildnerness effects are amazing. I'm pretty sure most of us are happy that Tamashii has no intention on ending their DBZ line anytime soon so no worries. However we are also mad that our wallets will be a lot lighter in the coming months aheadso it's a double-edged sword
Who said I wasn't bothered by that...? I bothered by this whole line up, as I think I've demonstrated plenty. I think this year should've been Majin Vegeta, Kid Buu, Great Saiyaman (with 3 heads) and 1 of either OG Goku, Tien, or Nappa....
So I think one could say I'm bothered by all of this. BUT I do want a grown Gohan, and I do like him in his fathers robes too. So is it super cheap? Yes. But was it to be expected? Yeah, like Big D said. And at least the headsculpt is pretty great from what I can see, somehow they even made him look different facially from Goku somewhat, he has a good angry expression.
And the gi colour, I expected nothing less than an exact use of goku's release and that's what it seemingly is. I just don't understand for the life of me why Krillin is darker, yet has white eyes.
They also seem to go back to manga style judging by Vegitos hair and that bothers me too. He has practically no shading, bland yellow.
So yeah regarding the SHF's most of this for me personally is a disappointment. But at least I am getting an adult Gohan who was in my lat 6 most wanted list, so at least I'm happy about that... I hadn't thought of buying U gohan if he gets a darker colour release, that's... somewhat interesting. But I don't think that's happening.
In other news: on a youtube comment section someone said tamashii has confirmed a God Goku release? Where the hell did they find that!?
I think we need to get a general consensus on what colors we want the rest of the releases to be:
Option A: Match the remaining characters to normal Goku's orange
Option B: Match the remaining characters to Krillin's orange
In option A (manga colors), everyone excluding Krillin would match, but they will look like the manga covers.
In option B (anime colors), everyone excluding Goku would match, and look like the Anime.
But remember, in option B Goku's body can be swapped with Gohan, making all the characters match.
Personally, I want option B, recolor all the pending releases to match Krillin's orange, that includes Buu gi top as well.
Would anybody buy a Figuarts Bulma? If so, which version of her is the most iconic & recognizable?